Best curriculums for drawing and painting grades 6 – 12 years

two drawing curriculum covers, best curriculus for drawing and painting lessons for students 6 12 years of age

This curriculum meets and exceeds the national and international core arts standards for children. It teaches the Elements and Principles of Design and the artistic process through the Science Art Method™.

This is sequential step-by-step, drawing lessons that are easy to follow in scope and sequence. So you can save time with prepared lessons that are ready to schedule weekly, biweekly, or monthly. This is the best drawing curriculum for elementary grades.

Children will love these fun drawing lessons while building foundational skills and techniques. These are the key lessons on art elements for every child to start with. And you don’t have to be an artist to teach these lessons!

Yes this is a stand-alone curriculum.

Yes this shows you how to teach progressive art skill sets

Best curriculums for drawing and painting grades 6 – 12 years

You can order two versions of this drawing curriculum for both early childhood or elementary grades. The elementary drawing curriculum is 41 sequential drawing lessons.

Drawing – Elementary 41 Lessons

Painting – Elementary 57 Lessons

Color Theory – 37 Lessons curriculum

Curriculum Publisher: Nature of Art®

elementary drawing curriculum front page cover, publishing nature of art

How to use Drawing Curriculum

To use the curriculum, you will need basic children’s drawing mediums. The curriculum lists the best mediums to use. There are four basic steps to using this Montessori art curriculum.

Start by:

Spell Check and List:

  1. Open the curriculum book and start with Lesson 1.
  2. Read the lesson so you have an overview of what you’ll teach.
  3. Review the materials and make sure you have everything you need.
  4. Demonstrate the lesson, based on your curriculum guide.
sample drawing curriculum, best for 6 12 years

Drawing Curriculum 41 Lessons

Drawing independently is the goal.

The curriculum goal is NOT to teach children to copy art. The goal is to demonstrate how to draw using elements and principles of design. And to practice these lessons in sequential order.

Because when students practice the physical fine motor movements, they will acquire spatial understanding. And build memory of these movements. And gain elemental concepts as they develop art literacy. 

So once children work through all the lessons, they will be able to make the movements independently. They will acquire the building blocks of how drawings start and end. So they can draw from their own imagination and skill.

painting curriculum cover, best curriculum for elementary grades

Painting & Drawing Curriculum

How do I know what grade to choose?

It doesn’t matter if the student is in early childhood or upper elementary—all children should start with these key lessons. This curriculum starts with very basic beginner-level lessons in a unique order. So to develop foundational drawing skill sets. These lessons are in small, digestible parts, building one skill onto the next in a sequential order.

The curriculum starts with learning line concepts. Then progresses into realistic, three-dimensional drawing. It does not matter what age the student is—from 4 years to adulthood. Every artist should start from lesson one. Early childhood learners can generally understand the first 16 lessons.

Any child over the age of 7 can move to the other lessons because their fine motor abilities and visual perception are further developed. That is why you see two offerings of an early childhood version with 16 lessons. And an offering for older students with 41 lessons. If you will use this curriculum to teach students over the age of 6, then I recommend the elementary drawing curriculum. 

Learn how to choose art curriculum for children.

painting curriculum montessori shelf

How to buy drawing and painting curriculum

You can order these curriculums in both digital format or in a printed version. When you purchase a digital download, you are allowed to print one version for your personal use. If you order the printed version, free shipping is included within the U.S. Any orders outside of the USA you will need to get an estimate for shipping by emailing

Drawing Curriculum – Elementary 41 Lessons

Painting Curriculum – Elementary 57 Lessons

Color Theory Curriculum – 37 Lessons

Curriculum Publisher: Nature of Art®

Drawing and painting guarantee

The Printed Version Only is backed by a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Digital curriculums cannot be refunded. You can learn more about the the guarantee by visiting the final sales page Drawing Curriculum- Elementary 41 Lessons.

Learn more about Montessori painting HERE

Check out this blog Ultimate Montessori Art Teaching Method Guide

Best curriculums for drawing and painting grades 6 – 12 years
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Best curriculums for drawing and painting grades 6 – 12 years
An over view of drawing and painting curriculum best for teach elementary grade students.
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Nature of Art®
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