Ultimate Guide to Staging A Montessori Art Shelf

As a Montessori teacher, you are well aware of the significance of staging shelves for your students’ independence and learning. To assist you in this endeavor, I have created the “Ultimate Guide for Staging a Montessori Art Shelf.” This comprehensive guide provides valuable tips, advice, and resources to help you set up a properly staged art shelf that promotes art literacy in your classroom. It includes links to relevant articles and blogs, making it your go-to resource for all things related to staging an art shelf.

The resources included in this Ultimate Guide offer insights for Montessori teachers of early childhood (ages three to six), lower elementary, and upper elementary students. Montessori-at-home parents will also find it helpful. My goal with this guide is to help you understand why every classroom needs an art shelf, as well as give you staging ideas to create a shelf that excites and engages students.

Ultimate Guide to Staging A Montessori Art Shelf

A proper art shelf should provide Montessori students with the art materials and mediums to work independently and inspire creative thinking. A Montessori art shelf is more about giving students the opportunity for exploration and discovery, without you needing to lead or teach lessons.

I understand that setting up the “perfect” art shelf can be overwhelming; but here’s the good news—a Montessori art shelf doesn’t need to be perfect! And in fact, staging an art shelf is no different than any of the other shelves in your classroom. If done correctly, it’ll save you the time and stress of worrying about creating art lessons that might not support independent art making and art literacy—the art shelf will do all the work for you.

Ultimate Guide to Staging A Montessori Art Shelf, art shelf materials

Where to Start: Read Through These Montessori Art Shelf Resources

There are a ton of Montessori resources all over the internet, but these are the cumulation of my years of experience as an art teacher and Montessori art teaching trainer. I recommend you read through these five articles in the order they’re numbered. Once you have your art shelf set up, I’d highly encourage you to continue your Montessori art journey by learning more about my own proprietary art teaching method, preparing art lessons, effective ways to introduce art lessons. If you want to read futher in my books about this topic, check out my art teaching books here.

Ultimate Resource Links for Staging A Montessori Art Shelf

1. 10 Items to Include on Your Montessori Art Shelf

A Montessori art shelf doesn’t need to be complicated. If I’m being honest, an art shelf really only needs 10 items to be effective. With a few basic art supplies you can encourage your students to be creative in a way that reinforces Montessori philosophy and principles. You can take these 10 items, and turn them into unlimited inspiration by restocking and refreshing them throughout the year.

2. Setting Up Your Montessori Classroom Art Space

This article tackles the key features needed to set up a functional art space in your Montessori classroom. Kids need a space to doodle, draw, write, paint, craft, sew, knit, cut, glue, build, construct, and play with clay. In order for kids to make these types of art projects successfully (and without a mess), they need the proper art space.

3. Why Every Montessori Classroom Needs an Inspiration Gallery

An inspiration gallery goes hand-in-hand with a Montessori art shelf. They inspire students by providing them with ideas but giving them the freedom to create as they please (as opposed to needing to follow step-by-step instructions). You’ll find that some students may need a little extra push to create art, especially during the weeks you don’t give them a specific project to work on, and a fun inspiration gallery—plus a well-stocked art shelf—will help them find their creative spark.

4. How to Set Up Montessori Art Storage for Easy Presentations

If you want to keep your students excited about art making all year long, you’ll need to rotate and refresh the art materials on your shelf. Being able to store your art supplies when you’re not using them is important if you want to remain stress-free. This article provides tips and tricks for organizing your art material storage, so that you can easily access the supplies you need and pull them out for your art shelf or for art presentations. 

5. 25 Art Supplies Every Montessori Classroom Needs

While a Montessori art shelf really only needs 10 items to inspire your students, this article is a detailed list of everything you could add to your art shelf (and classroom). Once your art shelf is set up and your students begin to create, you can expand the materials they get to interact with.

One Step Further: Take this 1 hour Training, How-to Stage A Montessori Art Shelf

How to Stage A Montessori Art Shelf
In this 1-hour pre-recorded video, Spramani shares her: – Proprietary staging system for Montessori classrooms – How to stage to meet the arts standards – What types of materials to stage – How to support group and independent work, and much more!

arts and craft book by Spramani Elaun

Spramani’s Books

Teach children visual arts

Curriculum For Children

Get step-by-step art curriculum to teach visual arts. Check out our 4 art curriculums:
Color Theory
Clay Modeling

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

Montessori Art Storage | How-to Set Up Storage for Easy Presentations

Montessori Art Storage | How-to Set Up Storage for Easy Presentations

One of the biggest challenges I hear from Montessori teachers is keeping their classrooms organized—especially when it comes to art. Many of them think that it can be messy, and, because there are so many cool art materials you’ll want to have in your classroom, it can become disorganized and chaotic fairly quickly. But that’s not the case at all! Once you know how to set up your Montessori art storage, you’ll be able to do shelf staging, presentations, and demonstrations without breaking a sweat! You’ll be able to teach your students fun art projects without needing to be an artist yourself, you just need to be able to master your art materials storage and set-up!

I’m all about organization! When I’m not training other Montessori teachers with how to bring art into their classroom, I’m setting up pop-up art lessons at museums, studios, workshops, and different classrooms all over the world. You can sometimes find me at local Montessori schools here in San Diego, and I’ve also taught art at the Children’s Museum in Seattle, in lower elementary Montessori classrooms in China, and at Montessori teachers conferences in Bali! I’m literally all over the world!

My key to success in being able to set up shop with everything I need is organized storage! Because I know exactly where all my art materials are within their storage containers, I can quickly grab what I need and set up an art presentation without any stress. And I’m sharing my storage secrets with you! (Click here to watch my video, How to Set Up Your Montessori Art Storage Stress and Mess Free.)

Montessori Art Storage

There are a lot of reasons to spend a little extra time unpacking your classroom and making your art storage a priority.

  • It keeps your classroom and art shelf neat and tidy throughout the year.
  • It allows you to quickly set up your art environment for lessons.
  • Being able to see all your art materials while they’re in storage will make it easier to know what supplies you have on hand so you can quickly plan a lesson or project.
  • You’ll be able to rotate art material out of storage and onto your art shelf, so students stay inspired all year.
  • It models a good example for your students.
  • It helps you know your art material inventory so you know what items should be added to your shopping list for future activities.
  • Gives you assistant the ability to set up your art activities since everything is kept all in one place.
Montessori Art Storage | How-to Set Up Storage for Easy Presentations

Where to Start: Understanding Art Shelf vs. Art Storage

It’s usually easier said than done, I know. At the beginning of the year you can start with a clean slate, but at the same time, you have all these cool new art materials you want to showcase and share with your students! Reel it in!  

Not everything needs to be on your art shelf. In fact, if you put every art material out on your art shelf, it’ll probably backfire! Your students will lose interest in all the amazing mediums and art-making tools you’ve provided them. Plus, more things out on the shelf might very well lead to more mess!

Montessori Art Storage | How-to Set Up Storage for Easy Presentations

One Step Further (Watch My Montessori Art Storage How-To Video!)

I know that you’re going to have your own preferences in how you like to set up your classroom and how you like to organize your storage. In my experience, every art storage area should:

  • Include one container per art area, or domain
  • Have clear containers
  • Have containers with easy-to-open lids to access materials
  • Be in an area near your staging containers
  • Be in a place that’s away from your students’ reach
  • Have everything you need to teach stored together (e.g., a container for watercolor painting should have paints, palettes, napkins, wash jars, paintbrushes, watercolor paper, inspiration, etc.)

Generally speaking, you want everything that’s in storage to be visible and accessible.

I’m a visual person, so I made this video for you to check out. I’m going to walk you through how I set up my own Montessori art storage place. You’ll see how I organize things overall, but I’ll also show you how I categorize my tubs and storage containers. And then, as a bonus, I’ll show you why it’s so important to have a functioning art storage system…I’ll walk you through how I use the art materials I have in storage to set up an art lesson without much thought. Trust me, it’ll save you tons of time if you get this down. 

Click here to unlock and watch my video on How to Set Up Your Montessori Art Storage Stress and Mess Free.

Art Storage | How-to Set

A Short Cut Just for You

Staying organized is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to having art in your classroom. Yes, Montessori art storage is important, but you need all the other puzzle pieces—knowing how kids learn art, understanding the components of an art lesson, being able to set up an art shelf, etc.—to be able to effectively teach your students art.

I’ve been helping Montessori teachers all over the world bring art into their classroom; I’ve honed and perfected the training so that you can do it too. In my online course, Art Teaching Blueprint, I give you everything you need to start teaching your Montessori students art.

arts and craft book by Spramani Elaun

Spramani’s Books

Teach children visual arts

Curriculum For Children

Get step-by-step art curriculum to teach visual arts. Check out our 4 art curriculums:
Color Theory
Clay Modeling

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

Montessori Art Materials: The New, Hottest & Coolest

There are so many new art mediums and tools on the market this year, and I’m excited to share some of the products I’m currently exploring in my art camps, workshops, and classroom presentations this year. These are all items I found for teaching basic art literacy principles to young students. And, so far, the kids are responding extremely positively and really seem to love these Montessori art materials! 

Bringing a new product into your regular art lessons will excite your students and hold their attention. Think about how you cook in your kitchen; when you get a new gadget to do the same old task, it suddenly becomes so much fun again! Bringing one or two new products into your art lessons this year inspire your students and help them come up with beautiful new creations.

I make a list like this every year, reviewing some of the most popular products that kids, teachers, and parents loved at my events throughout the year. Sometimes these mediums are so good that they replace old ones and help me teach better. So, here are six hot, new items—that worked best for me—on my art shelf and in my online sales kits this year!

1. Primary Watercolor Pencils – Water-soluble 

Learning to mix primary colors into an array of color combinations is the study of color theory. I like to think of it as an opportunity for scientific exploring for young students; it gives them a chance to see colors evolve and transform. And I usually start them with red, yellow, and blue pigments for mixing primary into secondary colors.

I know so many teachers who struggle with maintaining messes. Well, guess what? These water-soluble primary watercolor pencils are a great way to let students explore without needing to worry about paint creating a mess. These simple three colors can make a full color spectrum color wheel. Definitely a hot product for teachers!

Tip: Keep the pencils sharpened for precision drawings, and crisp, clean lines.

2. Petite Pintora™ – Color Mixing Station

My new favorite product is also for color mixing! It’s this fabulous wooden Color Mixing Station by Petite Pintora™. This item was my most popular at the AMS education conference among teachers!

After understanding how specific pedagogy teachers need materials to function in the classroom and on their art shelves, and as an art teacher who knows what needs to be learned for advance painting skill sets, I decided to bring this product to market this year. I’ve found that it really helps children to securely carry their work station from the shelf to a table without knocking things over or creating a mess.

This beautiful wooden color mixing station is handcrafted in Turkey and designed for 3-12 year-old students. It comes with glass droppers, and non-toxic primary paints for mixing the perfect 12-step color spectrum wheel, which helps students properly learn about secondary color mixing. The set also comes with a wash jar, paintbrush, and laminated visual color wheel chart.

3. Watercolor Crayons – Water-soluble

Watercolor crayons were so popular this year among my upper elementary students because they are simple to use, easily glide across paper, and are super rich in pigment. When you wash over them with a wet paintbrush it instantly turns into paint—making them two mediums in one! Even the teachers I demonstrated these mediums to during training fell in love with them. 

Drawing lines then adding color is a dominant activity kids regularly do while creating art. I love these crayons because students can draw or doodle with them, then use a wet paintbrush to turn their drawings into paintings. It makes these crayons a mess-free alternative to keeping wet paints in palettes during art presentations. 

If you’re struggling on what Montessori art materials to invest in for the 2021 school year, I recommend opting for these, since they do the job of two products in one (drawing and painting), and last a really long time. 

4. Sumi-e Ink & Pointed Paint Brush

My last visit to China gave me the opportunity to investigate the art of sumi-e ink painting and learn all about the materials and methods ink-painting artists use. This year, I took what I learned and now I’m so thrilled to be offering a new curriculum for teaching kids how to make proper brushstrokes, Level 1. Painting for Montessori Children, which will be available this fall!

I found that teaching kids these basic skills and brushstroke lessons with sumi-e ink is easier than traditional paints. Sumi-e ink is perfect for isolating brushstroke movements and last long on the paintbrush. I love this product and highly recommend using it when you’re starting your students with basic brushstroke lessons.

Tip: Sumi-e ink can create messes so be sure to check out the painting presentation method I introduce in my books and trainings for how to set children up for working with this product.

5. Tempera Paint Sticks

Oh my, to say my early childhood kids loved these would be an understatement… they loved loved loved these! Tempera Paint Sticks are a great addition to your students’ process-based painting experiences. (But don’t replace traditional painting experiences; young students still need to be exposed to both types of tactile painting.) The paints glide smoothly across paper, offer bright pigmentation, and are safe and non-toxic without leaving behind any large messes. 

The smooth paint sticks are actually in a solid form and no paintbrush is required. They’re super easy set-up and use—just open caps and doodle the paint on paper. I’ve observed hundreds of kids this use these and have noticed the instant gratification they get seeing bold colors appear even when they’re still developing their gross to fine-motor control and hand strength. These tempera paint sticks are great for making basic line shapes like zig zags, and straight and curved lines. 

The best part (at least, for teachers) is that these tempera sticks are not messy; as soon as they’re applied to paper, the pigment won’t smudge as long as they’re used on smooth, uncoated paper. I don’t recommend using these on other surfaces like canvas or wood.

Tip: These paint sticks have caps that may be a choking hazard for children under 3 years of age. I usually remove all caps while arts in session, then replace them and store the paint sticks away from my young artists until next time.

6. Yarn Weaving Sheets

I’m always on the hunt for creative ideas that help young students build and refine their fine-motor mastery. I found these fun yarn weaving sheets for kids to learn the basics of weaving yarn with their hands. Hand-crafts are important for helping students develop their fine-motor skills, and these sheets are like blank canvas waiting for kids to come up with creative ways to weave colors or designs into them.  They can be used with a cross-stitch needle or yarn needle. I found these to be a great calming tactile experience. 

One Step Further: Learn How to Use These Montessori Art Materials 2019

The majority of these art mediums might be self-explanatory, but I think it’s important to see them in action. I spent some time earlier this week gathering up all the items in my round up so I could demo them for you.

Click here to watch my video demonstration and review. Once you have access to the video, you’ll be able to watch it as many times as you’d like. That way, you can choose the 2019 Montessori art materials you want to bring into your classroom, then rewatch my demo for it so you can easily present the medium to your students and get them started!

A Short Cut Just for You

These cool art materials are just the tip of the iceberg! While new mediums come out every year, having a foundation of art materials as well as an understanding of their general purpose, is crucial. I’ve developed an online teacher training, Art Teaching Blueprint, that gives you everything you need to bring art lessons into your Montessori classroom.

The course is an accumulation of everything I’ve learned and observed while teaching art for the last almost 30 years! In seven lectures, I show you how to use a wide variety of art materials, plus how to set up an art shelf and how to teach lessons that actually help Montessori students learn and appreciate art.

I’m currently doing a special summer enrollment for my online course, Art Teaching Blueprint, and offering it at a discounted price! But not for long! Click here to learn more and register.

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

30 Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary Classroom

We’re soon approaching the new school year! Have you already started all your back-to-school shopping for your classroom materials? While you’re out picking out the last few items to make your classroom truly spectacular, make sure you’re adding Montessori art materials for lower elementary to your list! There are so many awesome art products and wonderful things to work with, I’d encourage you to explore any materials that inspire you. 

montessori art materials

Choosing the Most Appropriate Art Materials for Lower Elementary

When you’re out shopping for art materials, you’ll probably be greeted with hundreds of options, but not everything will be appropriate for a lower elementary classroom. 

Students in lower elementary have great energy and curiosity; they’re wanting to understand how the world works and are learning to express their imaginative fantasy ideas through artwork. It’s also a time where they’re developing and practicing their fine motor movements, so practice and repetition is key at this age, and creating art with different mediums can help with that. 

Lower L students are able to learn quickly with guided lessons and then work independently. They love exploring different mediums and what they can achieve with them. That’s why it’s important to have all the essential materials ready and on hand—your students will have more choices to explore with. It also helps you to be able to quickly and easily give presentations and demonstration set-ups.

30 Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary Classroom

I’ve worked with teachers all over the world, and almost all of them had questions about how to start teaching art in their classroom. Where do I start? What material do I need? These were some of the most common questions I’d be asked by lower elementary Montessori teachers!

It’s taken me years to get my own art supply collection to the point it is now, and I didn’t purchase everything all at once—and I don’t expect you to either! The trick with buying art materials for Lower L—especially if you haven’t done this before—is starting slowly. You can get by with just a few basic materials to start the school year. 

I created a cheat sheet of the best Montessori art materials for lower elementary to make your back-to-school shopping easier on you. You don’t have to purchase everything all at once, but be strategic with what you do buy. Add to your materials as the year goes on, and you’ll constantly see your lower elementary students get excited with each new thing you bring out!

Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary Classroom

Where to Start: Which Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary to Purchase First

It’s taken me more than three decades as a professional artist and art instructor to understand what materials are appropriate for lower elementary Montessori grades. It all starts with the 5 Domains (which is how I categorize the different areas of visual art).  

All my experience and observations have led me to develop a list of the specific mediums, tools, and art materials that can be used to successfully teach lower L students and help develop their art literacy and fine motor skills. 

I’ve created this art materials list, to take the guesswork and trial and error out of what to purchase for your classroom. I know classroom budgets can be difficult to work with, so I recommend starting by purchasing items from one domain, then adding to your art materials from there. You can make dozens of different art lessons and presentations based on just a few art materials. (If you’re looking for other money-saving tips, read this blog.)

30 Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary Classroom

One Step Further (Download My Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary List!)

I made this art material list based on my years of experience teaching art to lower elementary students, ages 6 to 9. Every item listed here is suitable for their age group and will make introducing art concepts and lessons to them stress-free, and mess-free. Trust me, having the right art materials makes all the difference in making teaching art fun and easy (for you and your students)!

You can download 30 Montessori Art Materials to Have in Your Lower Elementary Classroom by clicking here.

30 Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary Classroom

A Short Cut Just for You

Having the right art material for your lower elementary classroom is just the first step. If you want more information on how to use each material, how to set up an art shelf with the materials, and how to teach lessons that actually help lower elementary students learn and appreciate art, then I have some good news for you!

I’m currently doing a special summer enrollment for my online course, Art Teaching Blueprint. It includes everything you need to know to successfully bring art lessons into your lower elementary classroom—without the stress. I go into more detail about art materials (such as how to use them and where to find them), give you step-by-step art presentations, and a ton of other valuable information that makes teaching art and setting up your shelf so much easier. And, right now, you can register at a discounted price, so don’t miss out!

Click here to learn more about Art Teaching Blueprint.

30 Montessori Art Materials for Lower Elementary Classroom

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

35 Montessori Art Materials for Upper Elementary Classroom

35 Montessori Art Materials for Upper Elementary Classroom

We’re soon approaching the new school year! Have you already started all your back-to-school shopping for your classroom materials? While you’re out picking out the last few items to make your classroom truly spectacular, make sure you’re adding Montessori art materials for upper elementary to your list! There are so many awesome art products and wonderful things to work with, I’d encourage you to explore any materials that inspire you. 

Choosing the Most Appropriate Art Materials for Upper Elementary

It can be overwhelming to start building up your cache of art materials for your classroom. There are so many options, and a lot of them will seem perfect for upper elementary students. It’s important to be savvy with what you buy though, not everything will actually be suitable for your students, and if you’re not buying strategically, you may run out of supplies or be limited with what you’re able to teach. 

Montessori Art Materials for Upper Elementary

It’s taken me over three decades as a professional artist and art teacher to understand what tools are appropriate for upper elementary grades to use to develop foundational artist skill sets. I have categorized visual art into five areas, which I call The 5 Domains. There are specific mediums, tools, and materials elementary students must use in order to learn each domain, and I’ve created an art material list for you so you don’t have to guess or use trial and error to figure out what items work best. (You can download that list below.)

Upper elementary students are now working independently and can usually read and follow guided instructions. Students at this age are interested in working on imaginative fantasy ideas, and also learning lessons on how to make their drawings and paintings more realistic. They love the freedom of having access to a tool box of mediums to express and can now distinguish the difference in results in their work. They’re also proud when their teachers display their work in a positive light in their classroom community. (You can do this with an inspiration gallery! Learn more about that in this article.)

Montessori Art Upper Elementary Classroom

These students can quickly get ideas from the curriculum they’re learning and want to jump right into planning and getting their creative ideas onto paper. Therefore it’s important to have all the essential materials ready for and accessible to your students during these independent years of creating and thinking. By having the right art materials available, upper elementary students will be able to work artistically and grow in their art literacy.

Montessori Art Materials

Building Your Montessori Art Materials for Upper L Box

I’ve worked with teachers all over the world, and almost all of them were challenged with where to start. Many of them tell me they wanted to begin teaching art in their upper elementary classroom ASAP, but they had no idea what art materials they needed to do so. They all want to know the basic supplies they need to be able to introduce art concepts to their students right now.

I’m going to tell you now, I made a downloadable list of Montessori art materials for Upper L, and it would be so amazing if you could bring everything on the list into your classroom. Realistically though, it’s going to take some time to accumulate every item I recommend (unless you’re working with an unlimited budget!). It’s taken me years to accumulate my own art material collection to the point it is now, so I don’t expect you to be able to have absolutely everything you need after one shopping trip. 

35 Montessori Art Materials for Upper Elementary Classroom

Where to Start: Which Art Materials to Purchase First

I usually teach visual art using five domains. I know budgets can be tight, so if you’re strapped and can’t spend too much on art materials, start by buying items in one domain, then go from there. It’s possible to create dozens of art projects using just a few essential materials from the crafting domain, you just have to be a little creative in the lessons you present. Add to your materials as you begin to introduce new topics; every time you bring out something new, your upper elementary students will be so excited, engaged, and enthusiastic to learn how to use them! (If you’re looking for other money-saving tips, read this blog.)

One Step Further (Download My Montessori Art Materials for Upper Elementary List!)

I made this art material list based on my years of experience teaching art to upper elementary students, ages 9 to 12. Every item listed here is suitable for their age group and will make introducing art concepts and lessons to them stress-free, and mess-free. Trust me, having the right art materials makes all the difference in making teaching art fun and easy (for you and your students)!

You can download 35 Montessori Art Materials to Have in Your Upper Elementary Classroom by clicking here.

Montessori Art Materials

A Short Cut Just for You

Having the right art material for your upper elementary classroom is just the first step. If you want more information on how to use each material, how to set up an art shelf with the materials, and how to teach lessons that actually help upper elementary students learn and appreciate art, then I have some good news for you!

I’m currently doing a special summer enrollment for my online course, Art Teaching Blueprint. It includes everything you need to know to successfully bring art lessons into your upper elementary classroom—without the stress. I go into more detail about art materials (such as how to use them and where to find them), give you step-by-step art presentations, and a ton of other valuable information that makes teaching art and setting up your shelf so much easier. And, right now, you can register at a discounted price, so don’t miss out!

Click here to learn more about Art Teaching Blueprint.

35 Montessori Art Materials for Upper Elementary Classroom

arts and craft book by Spramani Elaun

Spramani’s Books

Teach children visual arts

Curriculum For Children

Get step-by-step art curriculum to teach visual arts. Check out our 4 art curriculums:
Color Theory
Clay Modeling

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

25 Montessori Art Materials for Early Childhood Classroom

montessori early childhood art materials

It’s back-to-school season, and I’m sure you all are in the middle of shopping for new materials for your classroom. While you’re out finishing up your shopping, make sure you’re picking up the right and best Montessori art materials for early childhood. There are a ton of products and wonderful things to work with, I’d encourage you to explore and purchase anything that inspires you.

25 Montessori Art Materials for Early Childhood Classroom

Choosing the Most Appropriate Art Materials for Early Childhood

There are so many awesome tools and supplies, but not all of them will be appropriate for an early childhood classroom. 

The reason why some art supplies and materials are not suitable for this age group is because early childhood students are in what I identify as the Young Exploratory Phase™. This means they make and create by exploratory and discovery play. Children in these beginning years do not understand the placement of visual arts, and are very curious about different mediums; they’re still working through gross-to-fine motor abilities and are often still putting objects in their mouths. So it’s important to choose the right safe mediums and materials as an introduction to visual arts as they experiment and learn from the results they create.

I’ve met thousands of teachers all over the world who want to start teaching art in their classroom, but they don’t know where to start or what materials they need. It’s taken me years to amass my own art material collection, so I can understand why trying to purchase the right art material for a classroom all at once can be overwhelming—especially if you have no idea where to start.

When you’re teaching art to early childhood Montessori students, you can get by with just a few basic materials. It’s just important to be smart and strategic in purchasing those materials. I’d encourage you to start buying a few items from the list below to get you started, then adding to it as the year goes on and you start to see your students grow in excitement and interest!

montessori art materials for early childhood toddler, 3-6 casa house

Where to Start: Which Montessori Art Materials for Early Childhood to Purchase First

I typically teach visual art within five domains. If you’re really on a budget when you’re shopping for back-to-school art materials, start with purchasing materials for just one domain, then build from there. For instance, you can create dozens of art lessons using just a few essential materials from the painting domain. (If you’re looking for other money-saving tips, read this blog.)

One Step Further (Download My Montessori Art Materials for Early Childhood List!)

Here’s the thing with early childhood art: it needs to be taught specifically for early childhood students using art materials that are designed or appropriate for them. Here’s a list I’ve curated based on my years of experience teaching art to early childhood, 3 to 6 year-old, students. Every art material listed here is suitable for their age group and will make introducing art concepts and lessons to them much easier, account for control of error, and result in less (to zero) mess in your classroom!

You can download 25 Montessori Art Materials to Have in Your Early Childhood Classroom by clicking here.

Montessori Art Toddler, early childhood, 3-6
25 Montessori Art Materials for Early Childhood Classroom

A Short Cut Just for You – Buy Guide Book

Having the right art material for your early childhood classroom is just the first step. If you want more information on how to use each material, how to set up an art shelf with the materials, and how to teach lessons that actually help early childhood students learn art (YES, they can learn art at that early of an age!) then I have some good news for you!

I’m currently selling my brand new, Early Childhood Art Guide . It includes everything you need to know to successfully bring art lessons into your early childhood classroom—without the stress. I go into more detail about art materials (such as how to use them and where to find them), give you step-by-step art presentations, and a ton of other valuable information that makes teaching art and setting up your shelf so much easier. And, right now, you can order yours today!, so don’t miss out!

Montessori early childhood

Early Childhood Art Guide

Visual Arts Teaching Guide
for 13 Months – 6 Years Old

This book includes:
✅ My proprietary art teaching method
✅ The proper and complete list of art materials
✅ A guide for staging and setting up a successful art environment
✅ Tips and art lesson ideas for early childhood
✅ A convenient three-ring binder presentation

Buy Guide Now!

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

Montessori Teacher: 5 Back-to-School Art Supply Savings Tips

montessori back to school

I know how difficult it can be to fund a classroom, as a homeschool mommy, buying supplies and materials for my children could get expensive. Thankfully, now, with my years of experience in teaching art to students (and buying and supplying all kinds of materials), I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks for saving money on back-to-school art supplies. Creating a distinctive art-making environment for your students that supports exploration and choice IS possible on a small budget!

In this blog, I’m sharing five creative ways to save money, without compromising quality, while you buy your art supplies for teaching and engaging art lessons this coming school year. As an art teacher and Montessori art trainer, I really think these tips will get you started on the right tack for this new year! 

5 Tips for Saving Money on Art Supplies:

1. Buy High-Quality Montessori Mediums & Materials

Buying quality materials is important because you want kids to be successful and enjoy the creation process. Poor quality items can stifle a child’s creativity and can even discourage their artistic passion, making them want to give up on art altogether!

Poor quality Montessori art materials can be bad paint brushes that fall apart, paints that don’t mix properly into secondary colors, or cheap paper that isn’t designed to absorb watercolor paints and rips easily. Buying cheap may seem like a smart money-saving move, but high-quality art products will always be the better option because they will last longer, sometimes even beyond a single school year—and you can buy them without spending tons of money!

You don’t have to purchase everything all at once; start off slowly. Invest in just one or two mediums to use in your classroom for the first few months of school, then add more later. For example, purchase quality watercolor paints, watercolor paper, and paintbrushes for the first month of school. Your students can explore and create lots of paintings with this one medium. The next month, buy premium color pencils and drawing paper, then, the following month, add another medium such as clay or crafting material. You can literally teach hundreds of lessons with a single mediums, simply by changing the subject (and inspiration gallery) each week. 

5 Back-to-School Art Supply Savings Tips

2. Cut Art Supplies in Halves & Quarters

Cutting art supplies down to smaller portions works well when you’re teaching a large group. I usually do this with paper and mediums like crayons and oil pastels. It’s a way to multiply your supplies without needing to buy more sets. This is one of the ways to make high-quality art material seem cheaper, since you’re getting more bang for your buck!

School Art Supply Savings Tips

Here’s an example of what I mean: you can buy one dry watercolor painting set that one student can work on, or you can cut up the paper into halves or quarters and up to four kids can enjoy the art project at the same time.

I go a little more in depth with this tip in my book Introducing Visual Arts to The Montessori Classroom, under the art supply chapter. I also share my art-teacher insight as to why this is very important (even beyond helping you save money). 

3. Know Which Art Supplies to Splurge and Save On

There are a couple of mediums I recommend you save money; with these, you can buy a cheaper grade and it will not affect your students’ art making results. I recommend spluring on art material like quality watercolor paper, paintbrushes, smooth drawing paper, primary paint colors, dry watercolor paint sets, and watercolor crayons—these will go a long way and last a long time. However, go ahead and save your money on these items (which you can likely find in a hobby or craft store):

  • Oil pastels
  • Soft pastels 
  • Colored pencils 
  • Clay 
  • Crayons
  • Glue
  • Markers 
back to school savings

4. Take Advantage of Back-to-School Discounts for Teachers

Teacher discounts are everywhere, even online, so don’t forget to use them! Almost every major craft and art store offers teacher discounts. (This article lists more than 80 stores that offer teacher discounts!) Stores know teachers have to buy in bulk, so they’ll sometimes offer special wholesale pricing on large purchases.

If you don’t see anything posted in an ad or in-store, ask about a discount anyway. I remember one time I asked a craft store, they had a teacher discount, plus a special program for something I buy in bulk regularly! 🙂 Don’t be afraid to ask! 

My kids-friendly, eco-friendly online art supply store www.store.EcoKidsArt.com has a 20% teacher discount through the end of August, plus free shipping within the U.S. Use this Coupon Code: 786Orange when you check out online.

5. Ask Parents for Help With an Art Supply Wishlist

Here’s a tip I really want you to do every year at the beginning of school: send out an art supply wishlist to your students’ parents. It will help you decide what art mediums you really want to introduce to your students, without the constraints of your school’s budget. It’s also a way to inform and engage your students’ parents with what their children will be learning in art during the coming school year. 

Montessori Teacher: 5 Back-to-School Art Supply

Send this wishlist letter out the first week of school. You will find that there will be a handful of parents who would love to donate or be of some help to get the school year off to a good start. Give them a wish list of premium stuff like watercolor paper pads, paintbrushes, and palettes. I talk to thousands of parents every year, and so many of them tell me they wish their school would support more art making in the classroom. I promise there’s going to be a few parents that will be excited to support you. You can never have enough quality art supplies!

Montessori Teacher

Bonus: Save By Creating with Recycled, Used, or Found Natural Items

I’ve come up with time-tested, low-cost ways to teach painting skills. Plenty of painting practice and color mixing experiences can be achieved by altering paint surfaces like using recycled or found items in nature. Get scrappy by using these types of materials to paint on rather than buying new items for each paint project. This list of cheap, found materials (plus other money-saving tips) can be found in my book, Kids Painting:

  • Rocks
  • Sticks and twigs
  • Wood scraps
  • Large butcher block paper
  • Cardboard boxes and cereal boxes.
  • Paper rolls
  • Cheap fabric rolls (cut into mini paint canvases)
  • Egg cartons
  • Old CDs
  • Large seed pods
  • Pinecones
  • Seashells

If you would like to learn more about setting up for more art making in your classroom you can order my digital or paperback book, Introducing Visual Arts to The Montessori Classroom, which has dozens of art lesson ideas and art supply advice. You can also check out this blog post: 10 Items to Include in your Montessori Art Shelf.


3 to 6 Art – Early Childhood Montessori Teaching Resources

Sign-up to receive video

The Phases of Art Development is a quick digital course that explains how art making can help students develop their creativity, fine-motor skills, and focus. More importantly, I share what types of projects students at every age are capable of completing safely, and without making a mess.

Best of all—it’s free! To sign up for the course, click here.

arts and craft book by Spramani Elaun

Spramani’s Books

Teach children visual arts

Curriculum For Children

Get step-by-step art curriculum to teach visual arts. Check out our 4 art curriculums:
Color Theory
Clay Modeling

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

Organizing Classroom Art Supplies | How to – Year End Pack, 5 Best Tips

5 Art Tips | Packing Up Your Montessori Classroom – Year End

Are you ready to pack up your classroom because the school year has come to the end? I have the best art packing tips to get you organized for next school year! I understand many of you have finished the school year and are excited about summer. You might feel like tossing all your classroom art supplies into a box. But taking the time to pack up properly will set you up for a well-organized art space when the new school year begins. Here are my top 5 golden art tips for year end organizing and packing up your Montessori classroom and getting ready for fall.

I have years of experience organizing classroom art supplies, which has honed my skills in being intentional and organized year-round. Whether I’m at a museum in Seattle, a school in Poland, or a local school, I can efficiently set up and dismantle art “classrooms” in minutes—it’s become second nature to me!

Review your art albums and art curriculum you follow to identify the most frequently made art projects. This list will serve as a reference for the materials you commonly use throughout the school year. Create a list of these art supplies, then assess your current inventory. This supply list will help you remember what supplies you need to purchase before school begins and prepare you for my next tip.

5 Art Tips | Packing Up Your Montessori Classroom

When preparing to organize your art supplies, consider categorizing them by different subjects or domains, as outlined in my book. Packing materials according to specific areas makes it simpler to access them when needed. Younger students often find it less overwhelming to focus on one subject at a time.

By packing with intention, you’ll be well-prepared to deliver art lessons by subject or domain efficiently at the start of the new school year. For example, I love painting with kids. That’s why I organize all my painting supplies (paints, brushes, palettes, wash jars, napkins, smocks, etc.) packed up in one container. I know that any time I reach for that container, I’m set and ready to teach any painting lesson I can dream up.

Opt for clear containers and reusable plastic bags to easily see the contents of each storage unit. While maintaining a list of art supplies is beneficial (referencing tip #1), having transparent containers allows for quick identification of art supplies. For instance, by grabbing a plastic bag of colored pencils, I can promptly see if I have the necessary colors for a specific project. This type of classroom organizing will help you in the long run as the new school starts up again.

5 Art Tips | Packing Up Your Montessori Classroom – Year End, storage

If you’re holding onto small, miscellaneous items for potential future art projects that may or may not happen, it’s best to let them go. If you’re uncertain about how to use certain supplies that are limited to specific projects, consider discarding them. If feasible, consider donating them instead of storing them for the new school year.

Removing unnecessary items will streamline your setup for future art projects, making the process quicker and more efficient. While I admit to being a bit of a hoarder myself, I’ve learned that being intentional, efficient, and organized is key to effective teaching.

Montessori art albums

Yearly art albums are a great way to wrap up projects before summer break. If you find yourself at the end of the year with a stack of art projects to sort through, this tip can be a lifesaver. Simply take photos of all the artwork created in your classroom to quickly create an art album. This method helps you recall past lessons and understand why certain projects were successful.

It’s a space-saving way to preserve your students’ work without the bulk. After taking the picture, consider discarding or recycling the physical project to reduce clutter. You can even jot down notes on the photo for future reference. For more organizational tips, lesson ideas, and teaching strategies for your Montessori classroom, don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for free!

Have a great break!

By embracing these valuable tips to carefully organize and pack your classroom’s art supplies as the school year draws to a close, you’ll find yourself saving precious time when classes start up again. Rather than hastily stashing items away, dedicating time now to thoughtful organization will undoubtedly yield positive results down the road. I hope you find some value in these five essential tips for sorting and packing your Montessori classroom at year-end. Have a great break, you deserve it!

3 to 6 Art – Early Childhood Montessori Teaching Resources

Sign-up to receive video

The Phases of Art Development is a quick digital course that explains how art making can help students develop their creativity, fine-motor skills, and focus. More importantly, I share what types of projects students at every age are capable of completing safely, and without making a mess.

Best of all—it’s free! To sign up for the course, click here.

Montessori early childhood

Early Childhood Art Guide

Visual Arts Teaching Guide
for 13 Months – 6 Years Old

This book includes:
✅ My proprietary art teaching method
✅ The proper and complete list of art materials
✅ A guide for staging and setting up a successful art environment
✅ Tips and art lesson ideas for early childhood
✅ A convenient three-ring binder presentation

Buy Guide Now!

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

Setting Up Your Montessori Classroom Art Space

Setting Up Your Montessori Classroom Art Space

By Spramani Elaun

Inspiring children to be creative is my business! I’ve spent more than 20 years observing how they learn and teaching them visual art. In my experience, one of the most essential components of students exploring and learning art is their environment. Luckily, it’s actually so easy to set up your Montessori classroom art space!

If you’ve been following this blog, then you know I believe every Montessori classroom should have an inspiration gallery and an art shelf, so I bet you’re wondering what else you could possibly need. I can go on and on about all the things you can use to set up an art space, but to keep it simple, I’ll just share the five basic necessities with you. (Of course, you can dive deeper and learn about all the fun, unique, colorful, exciting things that you can add to your classroom by reading my books Introducing Visual Arts to The Montessori Classroom and Defining Visual Arts.)

The most important thing to understand is that making a space for art means making space to get creative and have fun. Now, when I say that, I know a lot of teachers think fun means mess. While that’s the case sometimes, if you set up a designated space for making art, it’ll contain the mess, while still giving students the freedom to create as they please.

Setting Up an Art Space

Kids need an art space to doodle, draw, write, paint, craft, sew, knit, cut, glue, build, construct, and play with clay. For kids to make these types of art projects successfully, they need the proper space. Here are the five basic necessities for creating a place for art in your classroom.

1. Rugs & Floor Coverings

Spills are inevitable, so it’s important to consider the flooring of your art space. If your classroom has wood, tile, or linoleum floors then spills will be an easy, worry-free clean up. However you may still want to a rug to lay out that will protect your floors—especially if your floor is carpet.

Rugs come in many sizes and can be inexpensive or pricey. If you don’t want to invest in a rug, then you can use a drop cloth or tarp while your students are working, and then fold it up and put it away when they’re done.

Setting Up Your Montessori Classroom Art Space

2. Table

Table size will not affect your students’ ability to be creative, but the sturdiness of it will. I’ve witnessed kids create beautiful works of art on a surface as large as their lap, so don’t feel like you need a huge, glorious art table in your classroom.

When I’m hosting events and teaching art classes I’m usually setting up on the fly and rely on a small (but sturdy!), cheap, portable fold-up tables. These are great—not just for my events but in the classroom as well—because you can set them up when you need to and not be limited to a full-time art table since they can be folded up and tucked out of the way when not in use.

3. Chairs

Along with a sturdy table, kids need a sturdy chair or stool to sit on safely. A bench or folding chair can work just fine, as will pulling a chair from elsewhere in your classroom. Having a table and chairs available makes invites a child to create and lets them know art should be made in that specific place (containing any mess to that space as well).

Setting Up Your Montessori Classroom Art Space

4. Light Source

I’ve spent many years observing children making artworks, and the ways in which they visually perceive their work is key to developing their artistic skills. That’s why a good, bright light source is important—it helps them identify pigments and color hues. Natural sunlight is the best, but a lamp light source can work just as well.

5. Art Supply Storage

Every art space should have a place where art supplies are stored. I’ve found that children can be overly stimulated or even get bored if they’re given total access to every art supply in your classroom. The best way to keep them excited and engaged with art is to keep rotating the materials that are available to them. You can use jars, baskets, or closed plastic containers to separate different types of art supply and store them away from the art space when necessary.

Setting Up Your Montessori Classroom Art Space

Creating your Montessori classroom art space doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated; it’s really not that different from the areas you have set aside for other lessons.

If this has you inspired and eager to start teaching art in your classroom, you should definitely sign up for my online training, Art Teaching Blueprint. It’s a quick, seven-week course that takes everything I’ve learned about teaching art to students and breaks it down into 43 short, easily-digestible videos. It’ll help you build a foundation for teaching a quality visual arts program in your school or classroom. I’m so excited to offer this course to you and I really think it’ll empower you and give you invaluable teaching skills. You can click here to register.

arts and craft book by Spramani Elaun

Spramani’s Books

Teach children visual arts

Curriculum For Children

Get step-by-step art curriculum to teach visual arts. Check out our 4 art curriculums:
Color Theory
Clay Modeling

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

Why Every Montessori Classroom Needs an Inspiration Art Gallery

Why Every Montessori Classroom Needs an Inspiration Gallery

Why Every Montessori Classroom Needs an Inspiration Gallery

By Spramani Elaun

The best part about art in the Montessori classroom is that as soon as you give your students instruction, they can take off and be creative. Some students need a little extra push, especially during weeks you don’t give them a specific project to work on.

If you give your students enough inspiration, their creativity will explode.

And the easiest way to give your students the inspiration they need at any time throughout the year is with an inspiration gallery! It gives students a place to observe and talk about artwork, which can increase their art literacy, language, and self-esteem.

While you may think hanging up fine artwork is the way to go, it can actually be intimidating or overwhelming for many students—since doing this can place high standards on their work. In fact, using fine artwork as inspiration can actually stifle students’ creativity. So, what’s the best way to set up an inspiration gallery that actually works?

Montessori Classroom art lesson ideas

Setting Up a Montessori Inspiration Gallery

It’s perfectly acceptable to display some fine artwork as part of your inspiration gallery, you should include simpler examples too. Consider creating a space that features projects from students from all grade levels. Giving them art that is closer to their skill level will inspire them in new ways. For instance, they might notice a technique or theme they then decide to try.

There are different ways to set up an inspiration gallery in your classroom. One way that makes it simple to trade out paintings is to hang a sturdy string across the gallery area; then use clothespins to hang the artwork along. You can also attach a grid of clipboards to the wall space, to effortlessly trade out their artwork as necessary. Another idea is to mount a large sheet of metal, and use magnets to display and rearrange their drawings and paintings every week or so.

Clay or craft projects can be exhibited on the top shelf of your art shelf.

montessori art teaching

Why an Inspiration Gallery is Important

Of course, the obvious benefit of an inspiration gallery is that it helps to inspire students. It can do so much more though! When students realize their artwork might be hung up for the entire class to see, they’ll be more attentive in what they’re doing and put more effort into their creations.

Being able to see and reflect on their project after they’ve created it helps to develop their art literacy. Days, weeks, and even months after they’ve finished their masterpiece, they might realize the value of their efforts and be able to speak artfully about it. I’ve heard some of the most interesting comments come from students describing their own artwork! It’s an additional step in their comprehension and appreciation of their art. And as they see it in context of their peers’ and others’ work, they’re able to better understand the role art plays in a community, such as their classroom.

montesssori art lesson plans

If you’ve been following this blog or have signed up for my free mini-course, Phases of Art Development Guides, then you know that art can integrate with other subjects. The inspiration gallery be a conduit for connecting the topics as well. For example, if your student created a watercolor painting inspired by a lesson on the cosmos (science), have them write a small explanation of their subject and technique (writing) on an index card to display next to their artwork.

A gallery allows all grade levels to get creatively stimulated in a safe environment that is open to uniqueness. It’s a fun and easy way to brighten up your classroom, and it serves as an integral tool in helping your students learn visual art.

If this is a topic that excites you, then make sure you sign up for my new online course—The Art Teaching Blueprint—which teaches you everything you need to know about teaching art in a Montessori classroom. I break down the learning process and give you a ton of project ideas and inspiration in bite-sized videos that allow you to go through the course at a pace that works for you. To get on the waitlist and be notified when registration opens, click here!

3 to 6 Art – Early Childhood Montessori Teaching Resources

Sign-up to receive video

The Phases of Art Development is a quick digital course that explains how art making can help students develop their creativity, fine-motor skills, and focus. More importantly, I share what types of projects students at every age are capable of completing safely, and without making a mess.

Best of all—it’s free! To sign up for the course, click here.

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.