By Spramani Elaun
Understanding the importance of integrating a visual art curriculum into the classroom is crucial in today’s educational landscape, especially with the emphasis on STEAM programming. The “A” in STEAM signifies arts, showcasing the increasing recognition of arts within this educational movement across all grade levels. This approach, combining science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics through project-based learning, not only prepares children for future jobs but also nurtures their creative problem-solving skills.
Where To Start With Montessori Curriculum
Crafting an art curriculum tailored for Montessori children in the first and second plane of development presents its unique set of challenges. But with proper guidance, you can confidently start. Many Montessori educators express a desire to enhance their students’ artistic skills. Yet they may lack expertise or training in visual arts instruction. By receiving appropriate support, you can begin incorporating engaging art lessons into your schedule and creating an art environment.

In the realm of Montessori training, visual arts have historically been underrepresented in certification programs. Recognizing this gap, my company, Nature of Art®, has been actively bridging this divide by teaching visual arts with Montessori curriculum. Through years of research and presentations, I’ve developed methods to assist Montessori guide. That aligns with the Great lessons, plus meeting art standards effectively.

Important To Start With Art Fundamentals
To excel in teaching visual art, it is essential to grasp the fundamentals of art literacy and the sensory systems of of a child. This knowledge sets the foundation for exploring various art teaching models. Like process-based, choice-based, or guided lessons, all of which play a vital role in delivering effective art instruction.
Getting familiar with art mediums and different ways to teach art further enhances your teaching experience. Before diving into developing your art curriculum, understanding the art element core concepts is important. Once you have a solid foundation, planning and art lessons becomes more straightforward.

I Offer Montessori Curriculum Building Resources
I offer a range of resources, including free art blogs, teaching books, video trainings, and access to recommended art supplies. Supporting your journey in teaching art effectively. With over three decades of experience, I am dedicated to providing the tools and guidance necessary for your success in art education.

My Art Program Framework
- Foundations of art literacy
- Various art teaching models
- Selection of age-appropriate art materials
- Creation of a conducive art environment
- Development of staged art activities
- teacher management routines
- Art scheduling and lesson plans
Other Art Resources:
- Reading recommended books on art education
- Participating in online art training sessions
- Pursuing art certification programs for professional development
Art Teaching book list:
Montessori Early Childhood Art Guide – First Plane
Montessori Art Guide – Elementary – Second Plane
Kids Painting
Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally

Spramani Elaun travels internationally for Montessori professional development. Visit her events page.For speaking engagements or training inquiries, please contact via email at

About the Author
Spramani Elaun is an accomplished author and art curriculum developer based in San Diego, California. As a dedicated homeschooling mother and art teacher, she implements a unique science art methodology in her teaching approach. Spramani’s success stems from her keen observations and hands-on experience in understanding how children process art both cognitively and sensorially.
She is the visionary founder of Nature of Art® Art school & Art supply company, as well as the innovative Art Teaching Blueprint Montessori Certification Training Program. Spramani’s educational background includes degrees in Graphic Design, Digital Media Design, Visual Communications, Print Media, and Fine Arts.
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