Montessori Art Curriculum | Color Theory Practice & Process

Montessori Art Curriculum | Color Theory Practice & Process

Color appears in all areas of art study and is a very significant aspect of art literacy. Artists who don’t understand the concepts of color theory and color mixing struggle in painting and digital design as they advance through their art education and practice. That’s why it’s important as Montessori teachers to introduce color theory concepts to students at a young age—and that’s why I’ve created this Montessori art curriculum to make teaching it in your classroom so much easier.

How to teach kids color mixing, primary colors montessori

Kids Color Theory Practice & Process Curriculum is an introduction to the color theory domain. It lays the foundation for basic contemporary color concepts that lead to more advanced art skills in painting, drawing, and crafting. It gives students everything they need to be successful in the study of art. 

I’ve designed and organized this curriculum into 37 Master Color Mixing Lessons. Each one is a small, digestible part of the color theory domain and builds onto the previous, helping students develop new skills in sequential order. Every lesson is curated as a guided introduction, with supporting extension activities for students to explore and discover in process-based, hands-on, real-time experiences.

Montessori Art Curriculum | Color Theory Practice & Process

Each lesson includes an overview of what you’ll be teaching. You’ll also get a materials list, and instructions for presenting and demonstrating the concepts and techniques addressed in the lesson. The direct aim and indirect aim of each lesson is also laid out. 

You can use Kids Color Theory Practice & Process Curriculum to create a full year of content, with weekly lessons covering one sequence at a time or you can do six lessons throughout the year along with other art study curriculum. If students have never had a color theory lesson, they should start from the very first lesson of this curriculum. 

color mixing lessons for montessori art activities

Kids Color Theory Practice & Process Curriculum

This curriculum includes:

  • 37 Color Mixing Lessons for kids
  • A guide for what lessons to start with
  • A list of the proper materials you need for each lesson
  • The complete scope and sequence
  • The foundation for basic contemporary color concepts that lead to more advanced art skills in painting, drawing, and crafting
kids color mixing art lessons and curriculum for montessori students and classroom

Buy Now!

This curriculum is the accumulation of more than 20 years of experience in teaching art to early childhood and elementary students all over the world. I’ve taught students of all ages how to paint, draw, sculpt, craft, and yes, mix colors.

My years of working with children led me to discover exactly how they naturally learn and comprehend art. My success is led by my observations and real-life practice of how children cognitively and sensorially process different art matters.

My art method has been taught to thousands of children internationally, and now I’m bringing the best of my knowledge and experience into the Montessori classrooms with this brand new curriculum. 

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I’ve seen Montessori teachers stress out and lose confidence as they try to put together art lessons and activities for their students. I understand how intimidating it can be to put together curriculum for a subject when you have no background in it. But art is such a crucial part of a child’s intellectual and motor skills development, it’s something that needs to be included in their education! And truthfully, art is all about experimentation and exploring, so you don’t need to be an artist to participate or even teach it! As long as you have a guide—like Kids Color Theory Practice & Process—to keep you on track as far as what skills to teach your students, you’ll be able to bring art into your classroom without any stress!

Where to Start: What Other Teachers & Parents Are Saying About This Art Curriculum

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“My 3 kids are really enjoying a once a week art class using this color theory curriculum. It so easy to set them up with paint, paper, brushes, and examples to inspire their imagination. Then let them do their thing and be little artists. Even with having multiple ages at 3, 6 and 11, the lessons are a breeze and work for all of them. It’s fun to see what they will come up with each time and then put them in a portfolio as a collection. Thanks Spramani for an art program that works!”

Katrina Marie Thibodeau, New York Homeschool Mom of four children

One Step Further: Download a FREE Color Mixing Lesson

In Kids Color Theory Practice & Process Curriculum, every lesson includes a list of the materials and the steps your students will need to complete it. You don’t need complicated color mixing lessons or principles for kids to explore and experience the color theory domain.

free art lesson download for montessori kids, color mixing

I wanted to share this Color Theory Mixing Lesson with you to help get you started with teaching your students. While I strongly believe you need an entire curriculum to teach your students and help them build the proper color theory skills, you’ve got to start somewhere. And allowing them to create and explore within this lesson will open their eyes and spark their creativity. To download the Color Theory Mixing Lesson, click here.

A Short Cut Just for You – Buy Curriculum Now!

You want an easy, fool-proof, step-by-step way to teach your students exactly what they need to know. Well, here it is; no more guesswork. I created this curriculum for Montessori teachers just like you!

Kids Color Theory Practice & Process Curriculum has dozens and dozens of color theory lessons for early childhood, lower elementary, and upper elementary Montessori students. The lessons build on each other to provide students with the knowledge they need to understand color theory and start the artistic process. Plus, every lesson is laid out, step-by-step, so all you have to do is read up and follow the instructions! To purchase Color Theory Curriculum for your classroom, click here.


You’re on your way to teaching art with confidence!

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