Montessori art curriculum teaches children The Elements and Principles of Design. Across various art domains such as painting, drawing, and crafting. Montessori art curriculum introduces different elements like line, shape, form, and texture. As children grasp the rich artistic language of the elements and principles of design, they learn how to observe and communicate what they see in their artworks, as well as how to describe their process.

21st Century Skills
Another crucial skill children gain from Montessori art activities in their curriculum is the ability to use their imagination, plan, and problem solve. These activities nurture a child’s imagination and problem-solving abilities. Incorporating Montessori art activities cultivates independent, creative thinkers for the 21st century.
Curriculum Developer
Hi, I’m an artist, homeschool parent, Montessori art trainer and art curriculum developer for children. I’ve spent the last few decades teaching thousands of children through my art studio. Like you, when I first started out I didn’t know where to start teaching even though I went to fine art school!
I didn’t know what art lessons to start children with, what area to focus on, or how to teach the art standards. Plus I couldn’t find any Montessori stand alone sequential art curriculum that scaffold correctly.
In this post I want to help you understand how to decide on Montessori curriculum, and how to choose the right one for students. I will provide links to where to order Montessori curriculum and choose the right one for your classroom.

How the curriculum came together
When I first started out teaching Montessori Students I became stressed and overwhelmed, I usually had to backtrack art lessons. I would later find out my students needed to understand a step better before we moved to the next step.
I bought tons of art books, researched libraries and the web for hundreds of hours looking for Montessori art curriculum ideas. My deepest desire was that my students had joyful creative fun learning. In the beginning I taught too advance. I made things harder than they needed to be, and without realizing I took away creative choices.

After a lot of observation and understanding the child’s sensory system things changed in my teaching. Over time my art curriculum came all together. With an invitation to teach at a Montessori school with a hundred students all in different grades, with limited time.
I made the decision to give the same art lesson to all the grades, using the exact lesson. This gave them the same exact demonstration and isolated movement. I followed up with letting my students create what ever they wanted afterwards.

Curriculum that actually teaches!
I could not believe the results… every single student engaged from start to finish! I’ve explored this art curriculum with studio practice with huge success. Even my adult learners loved learning this way. I accomplished this by making my lessons more digestible to understand. And even created lessons to flow with common Montessori Great Lessons.

5 Important Curriculum Things Learned Over Time:
- All children need to learn isolated movements first.
- You need to focus on easy step instructions that match the plane they are in.
- Montessori guides should plan demos around each new concept.
- Each lessons should build onto the next skill set you are teaching.
- All foundational key lessons can be taught to both planes of development.
I have tested these curriculums with small to large groups of children of all ages. I now offer proper scaffold sequential organized art lessons in all areas. My curriculums focus on isolated foundational skills sets. I now offer my art curriculum for sale for parent and school guides.

If you are a Montessori guide or parent you don’t have to figure all this out on your own!
No need to jump online to get a bunch of lessons that don’t scaffold leading you to overwhelmed or stress! I created easy to follow curriculum you can purchase. Plus you don’t have to be an artist yourself to follow these lessons!
Order sequential art curriculum, any time printed or digital from a Montessori art expert!

Buy the right Montessori Art Curriculum For Children, Painting & Drawing:
Drawing Curriculum For Elementary Grades
Drawing Curriculum For 3-6 years (Early Childhood)
Clay Modeling Curriculum For Children
Painting Curriculum For Children
Color Mixing Curriculum For Children
DOWNLOAD FREE Color Mixing Art Lesson