Montessori Practical Life Activity | Winter Wrapping Paper Collage: Cut, Tear & Glue

Wrapping paper collage

Get ready to save all your wrapping paper scraps for a winter wrapping paper collage!
Bring them into the classroom and recycle them to give students the opportunity to create unique pieces of art. Ask your parents and students to collect their home wrapping paper scraps for this Montessori art activity.
This is one of the simplest Montessori practical life activities to keep kids busy. And while I put this into the winter art projects category, you can really do this any time of year, with any type of recycled scrap paper. This art activity is great for all ages, early childhood, lower and upper elementary.
And you can actually teach scaffold tasks while building essential foundational skill sets.

  • Coordination
  • Independence
  • Scissor cutting or tearing
  • Gluing & Pasting
  • Composition
  • Problem Solving

For more Montessori activities related to this project, download my Ultimate Winter Arts & Crafts Idea Guide and check out page 9.

Need more Collage ideas? Read my Collage Ultimate Montessori Collage Guide

wrapping paper collage
Early Childhood Group Collage

Preparing the Environment for Wrapping Paper Collaging


  • Wrapping paper scraps
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paper
  • (Optional) pencil and eraser

How to:

There are so many reasons you want to give your students the opportunity to gather their own materials, one is truly allowing the child to work creatively. Gathering allows children to create their own individual creations. Second, this supports problem-solving skill sets. Children will go back and forth working out their design elements.

This project can be done two ways:
1. Let students choose the paper designs they want to work with.
Cut or rip pieces into different shapes.
Using these pieces, they can aim to create a specific object/design or keep it abstract.
Have them move the pieces around their paper and experiment with the design.
Once they’re happy with their image, have them glue the pieces onto their paper.
2. Have students decide on an image they want to create (fish, butterfly, face, mountains, etc.). Lightly draw an outline of the design onto their paper.
Cut the wrapping paper into shapes that will fit within their image.
Once they’ve put the pieces together to their liking, glue them onto their paper drawing.

winter collage kids arts and crafts

Toddler/Early Childhood Group Collage

Gluing and pasting are essential art practices for young students that lead to advanced craft skills. Here is a simpler setup for early childhood grades as a group activity. You can have a couple of students working at one time, or have one student walk up to this activity table.
For more information on setting up for early childhood children, be sure to read my Early Childhood Art Collage Guide

Basic table set up steps:

  • Tape down a large paper filling up a tabletop
  • Tape masking tape down on paper into interesting sections so children can collage inside the open spaces
  • Prepare materials like wrapping paper scraps, glue, scissors in a basket or tray for children to reach easily
  • Demonstrate the movements of tearing, cutting, and gluing onto the large paper
  • When it’s fully covered, slowly pull take off, hang in the classroom as art the children can look at and be excited they took part in

Have fun creating your Winter Wrapping Paper Collage Art!

arts and craft book by Spramani Elaun

Spramani’s Books

Teach children visual arts

Curriculum For Children

Get step-by-step art curriculum to teach visual arts. Check out our 4 art curriculums:
Color Theory
Clay Modeling

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.

Happy Thanksgiving to All You Montessori Teachers!

Happy Thanksgiving to All You Montessori Teachers!

Hello from San Diego!

This is my favorite blog to write each year because it gives me a chance to pause, count my blessings, and give thanks for all the things I’m most grateful for in 2019.

As teachers, we have a responsibility for raising and teaching our students the meaning of gratitude, including being mindful of world peace. And I know at times it can be truly difficult since there’s so many negative things going on across the globe. But, as Mark Frost put it, “there is no light without darkness;” that means, in spite of the darkness, there is still so much to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving to All You Montessori Teachers!, Spramani Elaun

So this season, pause with me. In fact, I’d encourage you to grab a piece of paper or notebook and jot down a few of the things you’re grateful for this year. As for me…

I’m grateful for so much this year—my children, my work, my dearest friends (coaching me daily), my mother’s recovery from a heart surgery, traveling and meeting beautiful friendly people in different parts of the world—but I have to say, this year, my gratitude focus is on being a teacher and being able to share my passions with all my young students.

I’m also grateful for and want to acknowledge the amazing teachers that get up every day to teach young minds. I work with children almost every week, but it’s been a while since I’ve had to teach a class daily like most of you do.

Happy Thanksgiving to All You Montessori Teachers!

When I am teaching a class, one of my favorite things is listening to my art students share stories of things they’ve learned in their classrooms and all the fun they’ve had at school; you might not realize it in your day-to-day, but you are truly appreciated!

This year, I’ve also heard some very tragic stories from teachers I work with, about young students dying and having to help their whole classroom cope with such loss, or learning some students only get to eat at school and realizing those children are going home to poverty or broken homes every night. I’ve also talked to so many teachers that are battling it out with students who have behavioral problems—even some physical altercations or violent outbursts—and if you’re experiencing anything like that, my heart goes out to you!

I am very grateful for all you beautiful teachers who head into class every morning. Our children need their teachers!

A teacher recently told me that he had a student track him down on Facebook this year to thank him for his support and encouragement in the classroom. It had been more than 25 years since the student was in his class, but he clearly had left a great impact on this young person’s life.

Happy Thanksgiving to All You Montessori Teachers!, Gracias

I can relate to this story, and I’m sure if you’re a teacher, you can too. I remember my sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Martinez. She gave me the desire to be adventurous and want to travel and she supported my creative spirit.

So while you are off and out of the classroom this week, spending time with your loved ones, just know that I—and so many others—are grateful for all you do.

Thank you for touching the lives of your students, and thank you for showing up here and sharing my art teaching adventures with me!

Wishing you and your family a very warm, happy holiday in this season of Thanksgiving!

谢谢, gracias, cảm ơn bạn, teşekkür ederim,



3 to 6 Art – Early Childhood Montessori Teaching Resources

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The Phases of Art Development is a quick digital course that explains how art making can help students develop their creativity, fine-motor skills, and focus. More importantly, I share what types of projects students at every age are capable of completing safely, and without making a mess.

Best of all—it’s free! To sign up for the course, click here.

Montessori early childhood

Early Childhood Art Guide

Visual Arts Teaching Guide
for 13 Months – 6 Years Old

This book includes:
✅ My proprietary art teaching method
✅ The proper and complete list of art materials
✅ A guide for staging and setting up a successful art environment
✅ Tips and art lesson ideas for early childhood
✅ A convenient three-ring binder presentation

Buy Guide Now!

arts and craft book by Spramani Elaun

Spramani’s Books

Teach children visual arts

Curriculum For Children

Get step-by-step art curriculum to teach visual arts. Check out our 4 art curriculums:
Color Theory
Clay Modeling

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®

No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.