10 Montessori Back-to-school Art Environment Tips – Video

10 Montessori Back-to-school Art Environment Readiness Tips

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10 Montessori Back-to-school Art Environment Readiness Tips 

By Spramani Elaun

Do you want to teach more Montessori art this year?

Great, I have ten back-to-school art environment tips I want to share!

These recommended tips can help you get organized and geared up for back-to-school planning!

Watch my video highlights on my top 10 tips for organizing your art environment.

1. Art Shelf – Plan to stage an art shelf in your classroom this year. 

2. New Medium – Try out a new medium you didn’t have a chance to get to last year. (example maybe oil pastels). Store Link

3. New Project – Try a new art project. Was there something you saw  in another classroom you admired or online? 

4. New Shelf Set-up – Try a new way to set-up art supplies that help out independent students learners or kids that need guided art lessons. 

5. Supply List Request – Send out an art supply wish list to parents!

6. Planning – Plan ahead of time, with all your other subjects before school starts.

7. Art Guest– Ask parents if they volunteer to share a fun cultural art making idea. 

8. Art Project Ideas – Ask other Montessori teachers for ideas, or check out online resources.

9. Art Album – Plan this year to make an art album you a can quickly add pictures of projects you did and your observation notes.

10. Inspiration Gallery – Create a space your students can reflect on their projects and classmates projects.

Happy new school year!




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