You know visual art education is valuable, however you might not know where to even start. Traditional Montessori certification does not offer how-to create art curriculum or how children really learn visual arts cognitively. Nature of Art® the Science Art Method@ offers Montessori Art Certification with online courses and live professional development internationally.
- Do you dream of having organized art lessons throughout the school year?
- Do you want art projects to support your most important Great Lessons, within the Cosmic Education?
- Do you want your students to have work that leads to innovative thinking and independence?
- No prior art knowledge is required to get trained!
- Do you want to do all this without any stress??

Montessori Options:
Get art certified to bring art literacy into the classroom in less than 7 weeks!
Choose from two online training options:
1. Self-paced video training (No certification included)
2. Video training, art certification, one-on-one coaching, and practicum

7 Week Online Digital Course (3 year access!)
Who is This Program For
This training is for anyone who wants to learn how to teach children art lessons or take their art skills and learn how to apply them to teaching children in a Montessori setting.
All types of teachers
This course is designed for guides working with students in early childhood, ages 3-6 or 6-12. It’s a premium online training course that provides focused and up-to-date professional development. Teachers and parents with no Montessori certifications can also register. No prior art training is required.

Art Teaching Blueprint is comprehensive and broad in scope. It lays the foundation for understanding how children learn art, allowing you to start implementing art lessons into your classroom.
Improve your teaching skills with a focused visual arts teaching curriculum guided by an expert with 30 years of experience in art instruction.

International Art Teacher & Author Spramani Elaun
About Instructor:
Spramani Elaun is an author and art curriculum developer from San Diego California. She is a art teacher with a science art methodology. Her success is led by observations and real-life practice of how children cognitively and sensorially process art over thirty years. She is the founder of Nature of Art® Art school & Art supply company, Art Teaching Blueprint Montessori Certification Training.

Spramani holds degrees in Graphic Design, Digital Media Design, Visual Communications, Print Media, and Fine Arts. She has published several art education books and five sequential art curriculums for early childhood, lower, and upper elementary levels. AMS annual conference and frequently travels internationally for in-service training.

Get Montessori Art Training
Many international Montessori schools and training centers offering Montessori certification have utilized our art in-service personal development training, online course, art curriculums, and consultancy services. Some of our valued customers include The Montessori Accreditation Council on Teacher Education (M.I.T.E), The American Montessori Society (AMS), Association Montessori International (AMI).

Teaching art doesn’t have to be stressful (and you don’t have to be an artist to do it)!
“I train you over 7 weeks with my proprietary Science Art Method®“
“When you complete the Art Teaching Blueprint, you will have the confidence to start teaching and creating Montessori art curriculum for your school.”
Spramani Elaun

Montessori Art Certification Online Course
This training meets the national and international core arts standards for children. The Art Teaching Blueprint covers the Elements and Principles of Design, the artistic process, and Spramani Elaun’s proprietary Science Art Method® and her carefully crafted teaching system of sequences.
Nature of Art® Science Art Method uses 3 key components :
- Visual Perception (the visual cortex)
- Cognation (Cognitive Neural Network Model)
- Phases of Art Development (gross – Fine-motor development)
Common Montessori struggles
“Learning how to motivate kids to explore art and understanding how to work with different age groups.”
I learned how to simplify my art lessons, and that sculpting and building adds to the young artists 3-dimensional understanding. I have also learned that the process is just as or more important than the masterpiece. I have implemented reflection times into my classes as well, which helps me observe how they create and learn more about my students.“
Kaelee R. – Montessori Guide
Here’s what we’ll cover in 7 weeks:

Lecture 1: Identifying what a quality visual art education is for children (8 videos totallying 40 minutes)
- Introduction to visual arts
- International art standards
- Art language
- Teaching Areas of Focus
- Artist Techniques
- Art Materials
- The Artistic Process
- Spatial & Dynamic Art Understanding
Lecture 2: How children learn visual arts, Proprietary Science Art Method® (10 videos, total 54 minutes)
I share the important patterns I recognized in my 20+ years of teaching visual arts to children. This lecture is all about connecting the science to how kids use their senses to evolve into artists.
3 key components parts to learning visual arts:
- Visual Perception
- Cognative Art Processing
- Gross to Fine-motor
- Phases of Art Development
Lecture 3: How to teach children visual arts (11 videos totalling 45 minutes)
I explain what art skills and teaching methods help make children become successful artists. This includes my proprietary system of sequences to help nurture creative development.
- Process-based
- Choice-based
- Copy-Mode
- Creative-Mode
- Art Teaching Practices
Lecture 4: Complete art supply & materials list, seasoned practical tips (7 videos total 56 minutes)
Here’s where we get practical! You will learn about the best art supplies to use for teaching each area of visual arts.
- Medium
- Materials
- Demonstrations
- Shopping List
- Art Supply Prompts
Lecture 5: Art environment (9 videos, totallying 40 minutes)
- Set-up
- Art Environment
- Managing mess
- Storage
- Staging
Staging a Montessori art shelf
Lecture 6: Staging a Montessori art shelf (10 videos, total 50 minutes)
A well-staged art shelf can be super powerful! You’ll learn how to set up your art supplies and art shelf to support on-going art literacy and active, engaged, self-learning.
- Staging
- Material Themes
- Focused Group
- Independent work
- Guided Lessons
- Presentation & Demonstration Tip
Lecture 7: Art lessons & planning formulas
This final lecture will help get you in the right mindset to start teaching your students with confidence!
- Art Lesson Framework
- Art Lesson Development
- Scheduling Formula
- Art Observation
- Making it Montessori
- Art Albums
- Art Assessment Guides
New trainings added this summer!
Lecture 8: Making it Montessori (1 video)
How to make visual art literacy integrate with the Montessori Pedagogy. Topics:
- Sensitive periods
- Sensory
- Environment
- Staging
- Montessori Curriculum
Lecture 9: Art Observing (1 video)
Learn what we observe in visual art development, how to use the observation cycle to observe, take notes , assess, and modify art lessons.
Got a question? Email: Info@Spramani.com
Visit my websties:

All rights reserved © 2025, Nature of Art®
No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.
Nature of Art® Is A Registered Company. All Rights Reserved © 2023
Good Day,
I am very interested in your art training courses! However, I would love to know more about the accreditation. I am just nervous to register for a course that won’t be recognised? I recently registered for a Montessori Assistant training course that was three years long and half way to completing the course the institution lost accreditation. It has left me without accreditation to apply for a job. I am actually an interior decorator and a lover of ar but am desiring to change careers to education. So this course would be so useful to me and I am also a Sunday School teacher for a group of children that are in a home of safety. I believe this course would also be beneficial as an aid for the Sunday School lessons?
Look forward to hearing from you and many thanks, Nakita
Hi there, this is a certification by my company Nature of Art®. I’m a child art teaching expert. This certification does not come with accreditation for a college degree. What the course does is provide expert training so you can run art programs for any school or business. If you decide to teach at a Montessori school, you will have all the knowledge to teach art there. It is up to the Montessori school to determine if you need a Montessori teaching certificate to work there, depending on the teaching position you are going for. All my clients simply teach the arts; some Montessori teachers are already certified and add the art certification to their credentials. Currently all Montessori programs lack in visual art training. I’m happy to provide a call giving you more details and answering your questions. email: info@spramani.com
Hi there, this is a certification by my company Nature of Art®. I’m a child art teaching expert. This certification does not come with accreditation for a college degree. What the course does is provide expert training so you can run art programs for any school or business. If you decide to teach at a Montessori school, you will have all the knowledge to teach art there. It is up to the Montessori school to determine if you need a Montessori teaching certificate to work there, depending on the teaching position you are going for. All my clients simply teach the arts; some Montessori teachers are already certified and add the art certification to their credentials. Currently all Montessori programs lack in visual art training. I’m happy to provide a call giving you more details and answering your questions. email: info@spramani.com
I have a question, what is the purpose of the certification? If you are certified and still can’t train other teacher ? I could just take a few classes or the non certificate course.
The purpose of the certification is to demonstrate that you have acquired art literacy skills and can design art programs for a school or art organization. I guarantee the schools that you have completed the practicum and are now capable of teaching a comprehensive art literacy program for their schools. I’m happy to address any questions you may have via a call. For more information, please email: info@spramani.com